Category Archives: Petualangan


gembira loka zooGembira Loka Zoo is a zoo in Yogyakarta. Gembira Loka means a place for fun. The Gembira Loka’s address in Jl. Kebun Raya no 2 Yogyakarta 55171 Indonesia. In there are any variety of species from around the world, look like  orangutan , Asian elephant , chimpanzees , tigers , and etc.

In 2006 gembira loka broken because earthquake. But, after the renovation Gembira Loka still crowded by tourists. Gembira Loka open everyday, on sunday and holiday at 08.00 – 19.00 PM, and on monday – saturday at 08.00 – 17.30 PM. Price of the ticket in holiday is Rp 20.000, then in normal day is Rp 15.000.

First idea of the construction of botanical garden and Gembira Loka zoo come from Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII in 1933 about a place of recreations, then will be called Kebun Rojo. The idea is be realized by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX by the help from Ir. Karsten, the architect from Netherland. Then he choose the location in the west Winongo river, because it is ideal place to construction the Kebun Rojo. But, impact of world war II and the occupation by Japanese, it make the constuction of Kebun Rojo is stopped.

In 1953, with the establishment of the Gembira Loka Yogyakata Foundation (appropriate on notarial  deed RM. Wiranto no. 11 dates 10 September 1953) with the presided by Sri Paduka KGPAA Paku Alam VIII, so the construction of Kebun Rojo which delayed can to realized. In 1959, KGPAA Paku Alam VIII appointed Tirtowinoto to continuing the construction Gembira Loka Zoo. Tirtowinoto choosen because he love with nature and he interested with construction of Gembira Loka. Tirtowinoto can bring the Gembira Loka Zoo to progressing.

 Gembira Loka builded on land 2 hectare and some is a protected forest. Gembira Loka has more than 100 species among them is 61 species of flora. Facility in Gembira Loka Zoo :

  • Water bike
  • Capture pool
  • Crank boat
  • Mini train
  • Catamaran Ship “Dugong”
  • Mayang Tirta
  • Toilet
  • Free Wi-Fi Zone
  • ATV and Bike Arena
  • Reptile and Amphibian Park
  • Laboratory Gembira Loka (Museum)
  • Trash and overgrown trees for shelter
  • Mosque

Wisata Alam Bantul

1. Pantai Goa Cemara

Pantai-Goa-CemaraLokasi : Desa Gadingsari, Kecamatan Sanden, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Tiket : Rp. 3.500,- Waktu 

Buka : 08.00-18.00

Pantai Goa Cemara adalah salah satu obyek wisata yang dibuka di daerah Bantul, Jogjakarta. Tepatnya berlokasi di desa Patehan, Gadingsari, Sanden, Bantul. Pantai ini berjarak kurang lebih sekitar satu kilometer di sebelah timur Pantai Kwaru atau sekitar 30 kilometer di selatan pusat kota Jogja. Pantai ini juga terletak berdekatan dengan Pantai Pandansari yang terkenal dengan Mercusuar di Bantul. Menikmati sunset atau sunrise diantara rerumbuhan pohon cemara tentu menjadi suatu pengalaman tersendiri dalam menikmati liburan anda.

Rimbunan pohon cemara yang lebat dan begitu hijau yang menjadi ciri khas pantai ini. Pemandangan hutan cemara yang asri, membuat orang yang mengunjungi  Pantai Goa Cemara karena pantai ini terkenal sebagai pantai yang alami dan masih perawan. Untuk menuju ke lokasi hutan cemara ini, pengunjung harus melewati gundukan pasir terlebih dahulu. Di dalam hutan kecil cemara inilah para pengunjung biasanya menggelar tikar dan menikmati bekal sambil merasakan suasana piknik yang nyaman dan rindang.

Kondisi Pantai Goa Cemara

Pantai Goa Cemara memiliki luas sekitar 500 meter persegi dan masih berpeluang untuk dikembangkan menjadi kawasan wisata yang mendunia. Seperti pantai- pantai pada umumnya yang berlokasi di sepanjang bibir Samudra Hindia Pulau Jawa, Pantai Goa Cemara menyuguhkan pemandangan yang relatif sama. Yakni memiliki gelombang laut yang cukup besar dengan arus bawah laut yang deras. Kondisi ombak di pantai ini saling berkejaran, bergulung- gulung menuju dan menghentak pantai yang berpasir hitam atau kecoklatan ini.

Pohon cemara yang ada di sekitar pantai ini memang dibudidayakan oleh pemerintah setempat dan pihak pengelola pantai. Dengan bantuan warga sekitar pohon- pohon cemara ini dibudidayakan sehingga tumbuh dengan lebat dan subur di lokasi pantai. Pada mulanya penanaman pohon cemara ini adalah untuk menahan tiupan angin laut, agar kekencangan tiupan angin laut yang mengandung asam tersebut tidak menyulitkan para petani untuk bercocok tanam.

Fasilitas Wisata Pantai Goa Cemara

1. Ruang Publik

Kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh Pantai Goa Cemara adalah kecermatan menata ruang. Di lokasi ini terdapat ruang publik yang tersedia gratis untuk beragam aktivitas seni dan budaya yang berada di ujung jalan masuknya. Keberadaan ruang publik ini ditujukan untuk memperkenalkan budaya Jogja pada turis- turis lokal atau luar yang tertarik lebih mengenali budaya Jawa khususnya Jogjakarta.

2. Outbond

Di area wisata ini terdapat fasilitas outbond yang bisa dinikmati oleh para pengunjung. Kegiatan outbond pun bervariasi mulai dari jembatan gantung sampai outbond air. Area wisata ini tidak pernah sepi didatangi oleh para pengunjung.

3. Mercusuar

Mercusuar ini berfugsi untuk membantu aktivitas nelayan saat melaut.

4. Warung

Di sepanjang jalan masuk di sekitar pepohonan cemara, wisatawan akan menjumpai banyak sekali pedagang yang menjual berbagai macam makanan khas Bantul, ikan hasil tangkapan para nelayan, dan ornamen- ornamen dari laut.

2. Kebun Buah Mangunan

Kebun-Buah-MangunanLokasi : Desa Mangunan, Kecamatan Dlingo, Bantul,Yogyakarta.

Tiket  :            Rp 5.000,-

Waktu Buka : 06.00 – 18.00

Kebun Buah Mangunan berada di Desa Mangunan, Kecamatan Dlingo, Bantul, DI. Yogyakarta. Wisata yang sangat eksotis dengan pemandangan gunung dan lembah yang indah. Kebun Buah Mangunan juga digunakan sebagai tempat Berkemah, dan Sarana Outbond. Beberapa kali mahasiswa dari beberapa universitas yang ada di Yogyakarta sering terlihat mengadakan kegiatan Makrab atau malam keakraban di tempat ini.Kebun Buah Mangunan ini menempati areal seluas + 23,5 Ha dengan fasilitas dan berbagai aneka tanaman buah-buahan dan ternak. Jalan yang dilalui menuju Kebun Buah Mangunan sangat indah, di sisi kiri jalan anda dapat melihat wisata makam raja imogiri dari kejauhan.

Sebagai objek wisata, kebun buah Mangunan memiliki fasilitas untuk umum yang tersedia cukup memadai. Di sini tersedia 3 buah home stay, 3 buah aula dengan kapasitas cukup besar, MCK, areal untuk api unggun, kemping, gasebo-gasebo kecil di bawah rindangnya pepohonan, kolam renang anak-anak dengan kedalaman 0,5 1 m, kolam dengan perahu bebek yang dapat ditumpangi 2 orang, jembatan goyang, flying fox, refling, tracking, aneka game dan pemandangan alam yang indah dari gardu pandang.

Sebenarnya yang paling menarik dari wisata Kebun Buah Mangunan ini adalah view pemandangan alamnya yang sangat indah. Disini anda akan dimanjakan oleh panorama gunung dengan lembahnya yang eksotis. Jika anda pernah ke jembatan gantung imogiri yang lokasinya deket dengan jalan masuk ke wisata Gua Cerme, anda dapat melihat jembatan ini dari atas, karena lokasi jembatan gantung tepat di bawah Kebun Buah mangunan.

Jika anda menginap disini, anda bisa menikmati segarnya udara pegunungan sambil menikmati sunrise yang begitu indah. Kalaupun anda tidak bisa melihat sunrise anda masih bisa menikmati indahnya sunset kebun buah mangunan. Menikmati panorama alam sambil menunggu matahari yang kian menghilang sungguh pemandangan yang sangat. Di waktu sore anda bisa melihat burung elang yang terbang mengitari lembah untuk mencari mangsa. Kebun Buah Mangunan memang dijadikan tempat suaka burung elang karena disini habitatnya masih cukup terjaga dari tangan pemburu.

Rute Menuju Lokasi Kebun Buah Mangunan

Kebun Buah Mangunan dapat dicapai dengan menempuh perjalanan sekitar satu jam dari pusat kota Jogja. Jika anda dari Kota bantul sekitar 15 Km dan 35 Km dari pusat Kota Yogyakarta. Akses menuju tempat wisata ini cukup mudah, apabila dari kota Yogyakarta, langsung saja menuju Jalan Imogiri Timur (Terminal Bis Giwangan) terus saja ke selatan.  Setelah sampai di Kecamatan Imogiri kemudian mengambil jalur Imogiri – Dlingo (lihat plang petunjuk jalan), sekitar 5 kilometer kemudian akan dijumpai Balai Desa Mangunan, nah di situ ada petunjuk arah menuju ke lokasi Kebun Buah. Akses jalan menuju ke tempat ini sudah cukup baik. Dalam perjalanan kita akan melewati jalanan naik dan turun khas  perbukitan, pemandangan kanan kiri yang indah sangat menyenangkan jika bersama teman-teman anda.

Fasilitas Kebun Buah Mangunan

Beberapa fasilitas yang telah disediakan oleh pihak pengelola Kebun Buah Mangunan diantaranya sebagai berikut:

  • Aula besar (= 300 orang)  * Aula sedang (100 orang)  * Pendopo (2 tempat).
  • Gazebo * Joglo * Mushola * Area kemah (3 tempat) Kolam pemancingan (1 tempat).
  • Kolam renang anak-anak (2 pool) * Area outbond * Sarana outbond (flying fox, reflying, dll).
  • Pondok inap (2 pondok) * Kamar mandi * Parkir luas * Kebun aneka buah * Peternakan.
  • Camping ground 1 Ha * Arena bermain anak.

3. Pantai Parangtritis

pantai-parangtritisLokasi :  Jl. Parangtritis km 28 Yogyakarta 55188, Indonesia

Tiket : Rp. 3.250,- Sepeda Motor Rp. 5.250

Waktu Buka : 24 Jam

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Panorama Pantai, Jajanan Khas Jogja

Pantai Parangtritis terletak 27 km selatan Kota Yogyakarta dan mudah dicapai dengan transportasi umum yang beroperasi hingga pk 17.00 maupun kendaraan pribadi. Sore menjelang matahari terbenam adalah saat terbaik untuk mengunjungi pantai paling terkenal di Yogyakarta ini. Namun bila Anda tiba lebih cepat, tak ada salahnya untuk naik ke Tebing Gembirawati di belakang pantai ini. Dari sana kita bisa melihat seluruh area Pantai Parangtritis, laut selatan, hingga ke batas cakrawala.

Pantai Parangtritis sangat lekat dengan legenda Ratu Kidul. Banyak orang Jawa percaya bahwa Pantai Parangtritis adalah gerbang kerajaan gaib Ratu Kidul yang menguasai laut selatan. Hotel Queen of the South adalah sebuah resort mewah yang diberi nama sesuai legenda ini. Sayangnya resort ini sekarang sudah jarang buka padahal dulu memiliki pemandangan yang sanggup membuat kita menahan nafas. Pantai Parangtritis merupakan pantai yang penuh mitos, diyakini merupakan perwujudan dari kesatuan trimurti yang terdiri dari Gunung Merapi, Kraton Yogyakarta dan Parangtritis. Pantai ini juga diyakini sebagai tempat bertemunya Panembahan Senopati dengan Sunan Kalijaga sesaat setelah selesai menjalani pertapaan. Dalam pertemuan itu, Senopati diingatkan agar tetap rendah hati sebagai penguasa meskipun memiliki kesaktian. Dibelakang Pantai ini terdapat tebing gembirawati. Dari tebing ini para pengunjung dapat melihat seluruh indahnya pantai parangtitis. Pantai ini berbeda dri pantai lainnya, karena terdapat beberapa gunung pasir yang disebut gumuk di pantai ini.

Selain itu ada pemandian yang disebut parang wedang konon air di pemandian dapat menyembuhkan berbagai macam penyakit diantaranya penyakit kulit, air dari pemandian tersebut mengandung belerang yang berasal dari pengunungan di lokasi tersebut. Di sebelah timur tebing ini tersembunyi sebuah reruntuhan candi. Berbeda dengan candi lainnya yang terletak di daerah pegunungan, Candi Gembirawati hanya beberapa ratus meter dari bibir Pantai Parangtritis. Untuk menuju candi ini, para wisatawan bisa melewati jalan menanjak dekat Hotel Queen of the South lalu masuk ke jalan setapak ke arah barat sekitar 100 meter. Sayup-sayup gemuruh ombak laut selatan yang ganas bisa terdengar dari candi ini.

Ketika matahari sudah condong ke barat dan cuaca cerah, tibalah saatnya untuk bersenang-senang. Meskipun pengunjung dilarang berenang, Pantai Parangtritis tidak kekurangan sarana untuk having fun. Di pinggir pantai ada persewaan ATV (All-terrain Vechile), tarifnya sekitar Rp. 50.000 – 100.000 per setengah jam. Masukkan persneling-nya lalu lepas kopling sambil menarik gas. Brrrrooom, motor segala medan beroda 4 ini akan melesat membawa Anda melintasi gundukan pasir pantai.

Baiklah, ATV mungkin hanya cocok untuk mereka yang berjiwa petualang. Pilihan lain adalah bendi. Menyusuri permukaan pasir yang mulus disapu ombak dengan kereta kuda beroda 2 ini tak kalah menyenangkan. Bendi akan membawa kita ke ujung timur Pantai Parangtritis tempat gugusan karang begitu indah sehingga sering dijadikan spot pemotretan foto pre-wedding. Senja yang remang-remang dan bayangan matahari berwarna keemasan di permukaan air semakin membangkitkan suasana romantis.

Pantai Parangtritis juga menawarkan kegembiraan bagi mereka yang berwisata bersama keluarga. Bermain layang-layang bersama si kecil juga tak kalah menyenangkan. Angin laut yang kencang sangat membantu membuat layang-layang terbang tinggi, bahkan bila Anda belum pernah bermain layang-layang sekalipun. Masih enggan untuk pulang walau matahari sudah terbenam? Tak lama lagi beberapa penjual jagung bakar akan menggelar tikar di pinggir pantai, kita bisa nongkrong di sana hingga larut malam. Masih juga belum mau pulang? Jangan khawatir, di Pantai Parangtritis tersedia puluhan losmen dan penginapan dengan harga yang terjangkau.

4. Curug Payaman

Curug-PayamanLokasi : Desa Argorejo, Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Tiket : Free

Waktu Buka : 07.00 – 17.00

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : aliran air sungai bening yang diantara bebatuan

Curug Payaman adalah aliran air sungai bening yang diantara bebatuan. Curug ini terletak di Desa Argorejo, Kecamatan Sedayu, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Mungkin belum banyak yang mengenal Curug Payaman ini. Lokasi Curug Payaman tidak jauh dari Gua Payaman, Gua buatan ini katanya adalah salah satu tempat persembunyian Pangeran Diponegoro. Jarak Curug dari gua sekitar 200 meter. Sungainya ada di pinggir jalan. Dasar sungainya adalah batuan kapur, bukan tanah atau pasir. Untuk bisa menemukan curug, anda harus menyusuri sungai sekitar 10 meter. Kalau masih bingung, silakan tanya ke warga setempat.

Untuk menuju curug ini anda bisa mulai dulu menuju Gua Payaman, akses menuju lokasi bisa melalui jalan wates, perempatan sedayu, tepatnya jl wates km 14 Kemudian ke selatan sejauh 3km. Akses menuju lokasi juga tidaklah sulit, semua jalan menuju Gua Payaman sudah dengan aspal maupun semen. Kalo masih kurang jelas cukup tanya saja arah menuju Gua Payaman, pasti warga akan menunjukkan, bahkan jika tidak ada keperluan mereka mau mengantarkan sampai mulut gua.

Desa Argorejo sendiri sebenarnya adalah desa wisata sebagai Bumi Perkemahan dan Wisata Alam Gua Payaman. Katanya lagi, kalau sedang musim “duwet” antara bulan September – Desember, banyak pengunjung yang berdatangan kemari untuk mencari “duwet”. Lha apa itu “duwet”? Kalau pembaca ingin tahu silakan bertandang kemari, sekaligus mencari curug.

5. Pantai Pandansari

Pantai-PandansariLokasi : Desa Gadingharjo, Kecamatan Sanden, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Tiket : Free

Waktu Buka : 24 Jam

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Pemandangan pantai dan lautan dari mercusuar

Pantai Pandansari merupakan salah satu Pantai di Bantul, yang berderet mulai dari Samas – Pandansari – Kuwaru – Pandansimo. Pantai ini juga dikenal dengan nama Pantai Patehan. Pantai ini terletak 17 km ke arah selatan dari kota Bantul. jaraknya kurang lebih sekitar 45 menit dari kota Yogyakarta, sebuah wisata pantai di daerah bantul yang ternyata mempunyai keindahan tersendiri. Sebenarnya di pantai ini tidak berbeda dengan pantai yang lainya, akan tetapi di pantai ini kita bisa menyaksikan keindahan pantai melalui menara mercusuar yang tingginya sekitar 40 meter sehingga kita bisa melihat keindahan pantai tersebut dari atas menara tersebut.

Memandang lautan luas dan hamparan pepohonan cemara udang dari atas ketinggian, dengan suasana lagit yang mulai berwarna kemerahan. Mungkin itu suasana yang dapat digambarkan ketika kita berdiri di atas menara mercusuar yang berada di obyek wisata Pantai Pandansari, Bantul. Terletak beredekatan dengan Pantai Kuwaru, Pantai Pandansimo, dan juga Pantai Gua Cemara. Cukup mengambil arah jalan bantul, dan mengikuti jalan tersebut hingga sampai di perempatan Palbapang. Setelah sampai di perempatan Palbapang, dapat dibagi menjadi dua jalur untuk menuju pantai Pandansari. Yang pertama, tetap lurus menuju arah selatan hingga menjumpai papan penunjuk jalan bertuliskan “Pantai Goa cemara”, kemudian menuju arah tersebut hingga terlihat menara mercusuar dari kejauhan. Pantai Pandansari terletak di samping pantai Goa Cemara tersebut. Yang kedua, dari perempatan Palbapang ambil kanan kemudian mengikuti jalan hingga menjumpai papan petunjuk jalan bertuliskan “Pantai Kuwaru” maupun pantai “Pandansimo”. Setelah itu tinggal mengikuti arah tersebut hingga menjumpai menara mercusuar dari kejauhan. Memang agak sulit karena tidak terdapat papan maupun tulisan yang menunjukkan nama Pantai Pandansari di pintu masuk. Satu-satunya cara yang paling mudah yaitu dengan berpatokan pada menara mercusuar yang sudah terlihat dari kejauhan tadi.

Keunikan dari pantai ini adalah selain mercusuar yang menjulang tinggi ini, pantainya masih bisa dibilang cukup perawan. Belum banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung ke sini karena pantai ini kalah pamor dengan Pantai Samas di sebelah timur atau pun Pantai Pandansimo di sebelah baratnya. Belum lagi akses ke pantai ini kurang memadai, yaitu jalan untuk menuju ke pantai ini masih rusak. Ciri khusus pantai ini adalah seperti di pantai bagian barat lainnya adalah sedikitnya karang, tingginya ombak, dan pasirnya yang berwarna hitam keabu-abuan. Jangan berharap untuk bersantai di pasir atau berenang di laut bila akan berkunjung ke pantai ini. Pasirnya yang keabu-abuan dengan ombak yang ganas membuat Pantai Pandansari kurang indah bila dibandingkan dengan pantai lain.

6. Pantai Pandansimo

pantai-pandansimoLokasi : Desa Poncosari, Kecamatan Srandakan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Tiket : Rp.2.000,-

Waktu Buka : 07.00 – 17.00

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Pantai Dengan Ciri Khas Kincir Angin

Pantai Pandansimo berada di Desa Poncosari, Kecamatan Srandakan, kurang lebih 20 kilometer arah barat daya Kota Bantul. Terletak bersebelahan dengan Muara Sungai Progo, dan merupakan pantai paling barat dari deretan Pantai Selatan yang masuk ke wilayah Kabupaten Bantul. Pantai Pandansimo Ini benar benar istimewa, di pantai Pandansimo terpasang kincir angin dan solarcell, ada 45 kincir angin , 1KW 2KW , 5KW 10KW dan 50 KW. Baru pertama di INDONESIA pemasangan kincir terbanyak.

Deburan ombak yang besar dan liar, suasana mistis yang masih kental dengan banyaknya petilasan yang keramat, hiruk-pikuk nelayan melawan melawan ganasnya ombak merupakan gaya tarik tersendiri bagi wisatawan. Selain panorama pantai yang indah, di pantai Pandansimo juga terdapat objek wisata ziarah seperti Pandanpayung dan Pandansari. Hal menarik yang dapat dilakukan di sini adalah berbelanja ikan laut langsung dari nelayan lokal.

Nama Pandansimo sendiri berasal dari kata “pandan” (pohon pandan) dan “simo” (macan). Di sini juga terdapat berbagai aktivitas kebudayaan seperti upacara tradisi Merti Dusun, labuhan sedekah laut, dan pentas seni budaya. Demikianlah sebagian kecil kenikmatan di tengah-tengah denyut nadi kehidupan nelayan di Pantai Pandansimo. Cukup mambayar tiket tanda masuk yang rata-rata di bawah Rp 2.000 per kepala, Anda dapat merasakan denyut nadi kehidupan nelayan yang penuh kesederhanaan.

7. Pantai Kwaru

pantai-kwaruLokasi : Desa Poncosari, Kecamatan Srandakan , Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Tiket : Rp.5.000,-

Waktu Buka : 07.00 – 22.00

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Pantai dengan pemandangan pohon cemara yang indah

Pantai Kwaru adalah pantai yang relatif masih baru, karena baru dibuka untuk umum. Masyarakat di sekitar pantai kwaru tergugah untuk merawat lingkungan, menanam pepohonan seperti cemara dan pohon lainnya guna melindungi pantai dari gempuran ganasnya ombak yang dapat mengikis area bibir pantai hingga daratan tempat hunian mereka. Jika anda berkunjung ke pantai ini pasti akan menemukan banyak sekali pohon cemara yang berderet di sepanjang pantai, menjadi pemandangan yang khas dan tidak biasa. Tempat ini sering dijadikan lokasi wisatawan untuk berfoto karena pemandangan pohon cemara rindangnya begitu mempesona.

Lokasi Pantai Kwaru terletak di sisi barat kota Bantul, tepatnya masuk wilayah Dusun Kwaru, desa Poncosari, Kecamatan Srandakan Kabupaten Bantul. Jarak dari kota Yogyakarta sekitar 29 Km. Dari Kota Yogyakarta kearah selatan menuju Kota Bantul sampai perempatan Palbapang ke barat sebelum Jembatan Srandakan belok ke selatan. Saat ini sudah banyak petunjuk arah yang di pasang sehingga para pengunjung tidak kebingungan saat ingin menuju Pantai Kwaru ini.

Dipantai ini juga dapat dijumpai banyak sekali warung makan yang menyajikan dengan menu beragam ada masakan hasil laut, dan lain-lain. Ada pula bermacam macam fasilitas wisata seperti: ada kolam renang, Motor ATV dengan harga sewa sekitar Rp. 25.000,- untuk 15 menit, kadang disisi paling timur banyak dijumpai orang memancing. Karena Pantai ini tergolong baru di promosikan kepada publik penataannya jadi belum maksimal.

8. Air Terjun Banyunibo

curug-banyuniboLokasi : Desa Sendangsari, Kecamatan Pajangan, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

Tiket : Free/gratis

Waktu Buka : 06.00 – 18.00

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Air terjun yang masih alami

Air terjun Banyunibo adalah wisata blusukan atau jelajah yang mengasikkan. Mendengar kata air terjun rasanya sudah sangat menyegarkan terbayang air gemericik mengalir dari ketinggian dan sebagian titik titik air menimpa wajah kita saat berada dibawahnya. Ada satu tempat yang akan membuat kenyataan atas angan kita yakni di Air terjun Banyunibo. Letak tidak terlalu jauh dari kota yogyakarta, yakni di dusun Kabrokan kulon desa Sendangsari, Pajangan, Kabupaten bantul.

Air terjun Banyunibo lokasinya tidak terlalu sulit untuk dicapai namun tetap memerlukan stamina dan juga kendaraan yang baik karena lokasi ini harus melewati jalan di atas perbukitan. Air terjun ini kondisinya masih sangat asri karena agak berjauhan dengan perkampungan penduduk. Ketinggian air terjun cukup tinggi sekitar 50 meter sudah mulai banyak dikenal, baik mereka yang bertujuan melihat keindahan air terjun tersebut atau hanya sekedar memancing karena areal ini sangat nyaman juga sebagai lokasi memancing.

Untuk rute lengkap menuju Curug Pulosari dan Banyunibo, dari Kota Jogja kita bisa langsung menuju ke arah pabrik gula Madukismo, dari perempatan Madukismo lalu diteruskan ke arah Kasihan -> arah Selarong -> Pajangan -> Desa Wisata Krebet, dari desa wisata krebet ini jalannya mblusuk-mblusuk melalui jalan kampung, dari pada bingung di sini bisa ditanyaka saja ke warga yang siap dengan ramah menunjukkan arahnya.

9. Gua Cerme

gua-cermeLokasi : Desa Selopamioro, Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Tiket : Rp 3.5000,-

Waktu Buka : 07.00 – 17.00

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Petualangan Menyusuri Gua Cerme dengan air bawah tanah

Gua Cerme adalah salah satu wisata yang menyajikan petualangan dan keindahan alam. Gua Cerme terletak di dusun Srunggo, Selopamioro, Imogiri, Bantul, sekitar 23 kilometer dari Kota Jogja. Dari terminal Giwangan, Anda lurus ke arah selatan hingga menemukan Jembatan Ciluk, dan ambil ke arah kanan. Ketika menuju Gua Cerme ini perjalanan memang sedikit menanjak. Anda pun tidak perlu khawatir tersesat menuju Gua Cerme karena di setiap jalannya sudah terpasang papan besar penunjuk arah menuju Gua yang sangat indah ini. Gua Cerme memiliki panjang 1,5 km yang tembus hingga sendang di wilayah Panggang, desa Ploso, Giritirto, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Di samping gua Cerme, disekitarnya terdapat gua lain yang lebih kecil seperti goa Dalang, goa Ledek, goa Badut dan goa Kaum yang sering digunakan untuk bersemedi. Untuk mencapai gua, terdapat tangga setinggi 759 m. Kata cerme berasal dari kata ceramah yang mengisyaratkan pembicaraan yang dilakukan walisongo. Gua Cerme dulunya digunakan oleh para Walisongo untuk menyebarkan agama Islam di Jawa. Selain itu, gua Cerme juga digunakan untuk membahas rencana pendirian Masjid Agung Demak. Setiap Senin atau Selasa wage, selalu diadakan upacara syukuran untuk meminta berkah kepada Tuhan.

Di obyek wisata alam Gua Cerme terdapat beberapa Gua lain yang lebih kecil seperti Gua Dalang, Gua Ledek, Gua Badut dan Gua Kaum yang banyak digunakan orang untuk bersemedi. Bagi wisatawan yang memiliki nyali dapat juga dapat menelusurinya hingga di pengujung Gua dengan jarak tempuh mencapai 1,2 kilometer mencapai waktu perjalanan 1,5 jam hingga 2 jam dan harus rela terendam air. Wisatawan yang ingin menelusuri Gua Cerme harus didampingi pemandu wisata dari sini. Biaya pemandu dengan rombongan di atas 15 orang adalah Rp20.000 per orang. Bila kurang dari 15 orang biaya Rp30.000 per orang. Untuk sewa senter Rp5.000 per orang. Gua ini terdiri dari banyak ruangan dengan bentuk yang berbeda-beda, bahkan mencapai 17 bagian ruangan. Setiap ruangan memiliki nama sendiri. Untuk kembali pun Anda tidak perlu khawatir menelusuri Gua.

10. Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo

gumuk-pasirLokasi : Pantai Parangkusumo, Bantul, Yogyakarta

Tiket : Free/Gratis

Waktu Buka : 24 Jam

Fasilitas/ Obyek Wisata : Padang Pasir, Pemandangan Pantai

Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo atau Padang Pasir Parangkusumo ini menjadi fenomena alam yang terbentuk oleh endapan pasir dan memiliki bentuk yang sangat indah. Gelombang angin terbentuk di permukaan pasir menyerupai aliran air. Sungguh cantik permukaan alam ini. Gumuk Pasir yang terbentuk di permukaan pasir ini berasal dari embusan angin pantai. Wajar saja karena lokasi Gumuk Pasir terletak di sepanjang Sungai Opak sampai Pantai Parangtritis, Yogyakarta. Kita bisa menempuh perjalanan sejauh 30 km dari pusat Kota Jogja untuk sampai di lokasi ini.

Banyak wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Gumuk Pasir negatakan bahwa gumuk pasir ini sangat mirip dengan gurun pasir Sahara yang berada di Afrika. Banyak sekali wisatawan yang beburu foto di lokasi ini. Selain itu, penduduk sekitar juga menyewakan kuda untuk mengellingi Gumuk Pasir seperti halnya di Gurun Sahara, Afrika. Dengan adanya Gumuk Pasir ini Indonesia boleh bangga dengan alamnya yang indah dan penuh dengan kejutan. Gumuk Pasir juga menambah pesona wisata ditawarkan oleh Jogaja untuk wisatawannya. Indonesia dan Jogja memang istimewa.

Jika Anda ke pantai parangtritis, jangan lupa sempatkan mampir ke gumuk pasir parangkusumo, selain fenomena alam yang indah, keunikan wisata ini jarang ditemui di tempat manapun. Di lokasi ini sering juga dijadikan tempat foto pre wedding karena keunikan dan keindahan pemandangannya. jika mampir kesini sebaiknya pilih menjelang senja agar bisa lebih menikmati view sunset yang indah. dan menjelang malam anda juga bisa mampir di pantai depok untuk menikmati sajian kuliner ikan laut bakar, yang tidak jauh dari gumuk pasir parangkusumo ini.

Sumber : Wisata Alam Bantul


parkourParkour (French pronunciation: ​[paʁˈkuʁ]) is a holistic training discipline using movement that developed from military obstacle course training. Practitioners aim to get from A to B in the most efficient way possible.They do this using only their bodies and their surroundings to propel themselves; furthermore, they try to maintain as much momentum as is possible in a safe manner. Parkour can include obstacle courses, running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, and the like, depending on what movement is deemed most suitable for the given situation.

Parkour is a non-competitive activity, which can be practiced alone or with others. It can be practiced in any location, but is usually practiced in urban spaces. Parkour involves seeing one’s environment in a new way, and imagining the potentialities for movement around it.

Developed in France, primarily by Raymond Belle, David Belle, and Sébastien Foucan during the late 1980s, Parkour became popular in the late 1990s and 2000s through films, documentaries, and advertisements featuring these practitioners and others.

Parkour’s training methods have inspired a range of other activities, including freerunning and l’art du déplacement. Although their creators define them as separate activities, practitioners and non-practitioners alike often find it difficult to discern the differences between them.


“Le parcours” was the French phrase passed down to David Belle from his father Raymond Belle. The term derives from “parcours du combattant”, the classic obstacle-course method of military training proposed by Georges Hébert, the term “le parcours” was used by Raymond to encompass all of his training including climbing, jumping, running, balancing, and the other methods he undertook in his personal athletic advancement. One day when David Belle was on a film set, he showed his ‘Speed Air Man’ video to Hubert Koundé, who suggested to change the “c” of “parcours” to a “k” because it was more dynamic and stronger, and to remove the silent “s” for the same reason.[citation needed] Belle liked the idea and officially changed the name of his discipline to “parkour”.[citation needed]

A practitioner of parkour is often called a traceur, with the feminine form being traceuse. They are nouns derived from the French verb tracer, which normally means “to trace”, as in “tracing a path”, in reference to drawing. The verb tracer used familiarly means: “to buck up”. The term traceur was originally the name of a parkour group headed by David Belle which included Sébastien Foucan and Stephane Vigroux.

A jam refers to a meeting of traceurs, involving training lasting anywhere from hours to several days, often with people from different cities. The first parkour jam was organized in July 2002 by Romain Drouet, with a dozen people including Sébastien Foucan and Stephane Vigroux.


In Western Europe, a forerunner of parkour was French naval officer Georges Hébert, who before World War I promoted athletic skill based on the models of indigenous tribes he had met in Africa. He noted, “their bodies were splendid, flexible, nimble, skillful, enduring, and resistant but yet they had no other tutor in gymnastics but their lives in nature.” His rescue efforts during the 1902 eruption of Mount Pelée on Saint-Pierre, Martinique, reinforced his belief that athletic skill must be combined with courage and altruism. Hébert became a physical education tutor at the college of Reims in France. Hébert set up a “méthode naturelle” (natural method) session consisting of ten fundamental groups: walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, throwing, lifting, self-defense, swimming, which are part of three main forces: During World War I and World War II, Hébert’s teaching continued to expand, becoming the standard system of French military education and training. Thus, Hébert was one of the proponents of “parcours”, an obstacle course, which is now standard in military training and which led to the development of civilian fitness trails and confidence courses.

Born in 1939 in Vietnam, Raymond Belle was the son of a French doctor and Vietnamese mother. He was cut off from his parents by the struggle for independence and sent to a military orphanage at the age of 7. Isolated there, he had to become stronger in order to survive. He took it upon himself to train harder and longer than everyone else in order to never be a victim. At night, when everyone else was asleep, he would be outside running or climbing trees. He would use the military obstacle courses in secret, but he also created courses of his own that tested his endurance, his strength and his flexibility. Doing this enabled him not only to survive the hardships he experienced during his childhood, but also eventually to thrive. In 1954, he returned to France and remained in military education until 1958, when someone who was impressed by his abilities suggested that he join the Paris fire-fighters.

Raymond’s son, David Belle, was born in 1973. He experimented with gymnastics and athletics, but became increasingly disaffected with both school and the sports clubs. As he got older though, he started to read the newspaper clippings that told of his father’s exploits and got more and more curious about what had enabled his father to accomplish these feats. Through conversations with his father, he realized that what he really wanted was a means to develop skills that would be useful to him in life, rather than just training to kick a ball or perform moves in a padded, indoor environment.

Eventually, through conversations with his father, he learned about this way of training that his father called ‘parcours’. He heard his father talk of the many repetitions he had done in order to find the best way of doing things. What he learned was that for his father, training was not a game but something vital which enabled him to survive and to protect the people he cared about. David realized that this was what he had been searching for and so he began training in the same way. After a time, he found it far more important to him than schooling and he gave up his other commitments to focus all his time on his training.

Initially David trained on his own, however later he found other people (including his cousins) who had similar desires and they began to train together. The group at that time included David Belle, Sébastien Foucan, Châu Belle Dinh, Williams Belle, Yann Hnautra, Laurent Piemontesi, Guylain N’Guba Boyeke, Malik Diouf, and Charles Perriére, amongst others.

In the late 1990s, after David’s brother sent pictures and video to a French TV programme, the popularity of parkour began to increase. A series of television programmes in various countries subsequently featured video footage of the group, and as the popularity increased, they began to get more and more offers. Eventually, the original group split apart to pursue different goals, some staying with the discipline and others leaving. The number of practitioners in total though kept on increasing and parkour’s popularity began to spread around the globe through television, feature film and increasing use of online video-sharing methods.

Philosophy and theories

According to Williams Belle, the philosophies and theories behind parkour are an integral aspect of the art, one that many non-practitioners have never been exposed to. Belle trains people because he wants “it to be alive” and for “people to use it”. Châu Belle explains it is a “type of freedom” or “kind of expression”; that parkour is “only a state of mind” rather than a set of actions, and that it is about overcoming and adapting to mental and emotional obstacles as well as physical barriers.

A newer convention of parkour philosophy has been the idea of “human reclamation”. Andy (Animus of Parkour North America) clarifies it as “a means of reclaiming what it means to be a human being. It teaches us to move using the natural methods that we should have learned from infancy. It teaches us to touch the world and interact with it, instead of being sheltered by it.”It is as much as a part of truly learning the physical art as well as being able to master the movements, it gives you the ability to overcome your fears and pains and reapply this to life as you must be able to control your mind in order to master the art of parkour.”

Academic research on parkour has tended to describe how parkour provides a novel way of interacting with the (urban) environment, that challenges the use and meaning of urban space, metropolitan life, and embodiment.

Traceur Dylan Baker says “Parkour also influences one’s thought processes by enhancing self-confidence and critical thinking skills that allow one to overcome everyday physical and mental obstacles”. A study by Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence (Neuropsychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence) in France reflects that traceurs seek more excitement and leadership situations than do gymnastic practitioners.

A campaign was started on 1 May 2007 by the Parkour.NET portal to preserve parkour’s philosophy against sport competition and rivalry. In the words of Erwan LeCorre: “Competition pushes people to fight against others for the satisfaction of a crowd and/or the benefits of a few business people by changing its mindset. Parkour is unique and cannot be a competitive sport unless it ignores its altruistic core of self development. If parkour becomes a sport, it will be hard to seriously teach and spread parkour as a non-competitive activity. And a new sport will be spread that may be called parkour, but that won’t hold its philosophical essence anymore.” Red Bull’s sponsored athlete for parkour, Ryan Doyle, has said, “Sometimes people ask, ‘Who is the best at parkour?’ and it is because they don’t understand what Parkour is; ‘Who is the best?’ is what you would say to a sport, and Parkour is not a sport, it is an art, it’s a discipline. That’s like saying, ‘What’s the best song in the world?'” This seems to be a highly consensual opinion of many professional traceurs who view parkour as a style of life more than a set of tricks, as has been popularized by YouTube and most media exposure.

In an interview with the press, David Belle explains that parkour is a training method for warriors. “So many people try to train easy ‘Come do parkour! It’s really cool!’ But if tomorrow I made you do real training, you would end up crying. That’s what you need to know: you are going to cry, you are going to bleed and you are going to sweat like never before.” Belle is an influential proponent of discipline and control in parkour, saying, “Precision is all about being measured,” and going on to describe parkour as an art that requires huge amounts of repetition and practice to master. Parkour to Belle is a method of self refinement and is to be used for learning to control and focus oneself.

A point has been made about the similarities between the martial arts philosophy of Bruce Lee and parkour. In an interview with The New Yorker, David Belle acknowledges the influence of Lee’s thinking: “There’s a quote by Bruce Lee that’s my motto: ‘There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. A man must constantly exceed his level.’ If you’re not better than you were the day before, then what are you doing—what’s the point?”.

“If two roads open up before you, always take the most difficult one. Because you know you can travel the easy one.” ―Raymond Belle

“With parkour, I often say, ‘Once is never’. In other words, someone can manage a jump one time but it doesn’t mean anything. It can be luck or chance. When you make a jump, you have to do it at least three times to be sure you can actually do it. It’s an unavoidable rule. Do it the hard way and stop lying to yourself. When you come for training, you have to train. Even if it means doing the same jump fifty or a hundred times. ―David Belle”


There is no official list of “moves” in parkour, however the style in which practitioners move often sets them apart from others. Some examples of the ways in which practitioners move:

  • running towards a high wall and then jumping and pushing off the wall with a foot to reach the top of the wall
  • moving from a position hanging from a wall-top or ledge, to standing on the top or vaulting over to the other side
  • Vaulting over obstacles
  • jumping and landing accurately with the feet on small or narrow obstacles
  • jumping and catching a ledge with the hands while the feet land on the vertical surface below.
  • using a rolling motion to help absorb large impacts



Parkour is not widely practiced in dedicated public facilities. Although efforts are being made to create places for it, many traceurs do not like the idea as it is contradictory to parkour’s values of adaptation, creativity and freedom. Traceurs practice parkour in both rural and urban areas such as gyms, parks, playgrounds, offices, and abandoned structures. Concerns have been raised regarding trespassing, damage of property, and use of inappropriate places such as cemeteries. A few city councils have even posted notices banning parkour in some areas – although the legal enforceability of notices like these have yet to be tested. However, most traceurs will take care of their training spots and will remove themselves quickly and quietly from a public place if asked.[citation needed] Along with helping others, another value of parkour is to respect people and places. One of the first campaigns to preserve this sort of philosophy is the ‘Leave No Trace’ project, promoting to traceurs the importance of training safe, respecting the environment and the people around them.

In most countries the law does not automatically condemn passage on private land or climbing enclosures, and it is often a civil offense rather than a criminal offense. Additionally, many countries have freedom to roam laws giving the right to passage on private property, according to some limits.


Concerns have also been raised by law enforcement and fire and rescue teams of the risk in jumping off high buildings. They argue that practitioners are needlessly risking damage to both themselves and rooftops by practicing at height, with police forces calling for practitioners to stay off the rooftops. Some practitioners of Parkour agree that such behaviour should be discouraged.

Because parkour philosophy is about learning to control oneself in interaction with the environment, leading parkour experts tend to view physical injury as a deviation from true parkour. Daniel Ilabaca, co-founder of the World Parkour and Freerunning Federation, is quoted as saying, “Thinking you’re going to fail at something gives you a higher risk of doing just that. Committing to something you’re thinking or knowing you will land gives you a higher chance of landing or completing the task.”

American traceur Mark Toorock says that injuries are rare “because participants rely not on what they can’t control – wheels or the icy surfaces of snowboarding and skiing – but their own hands and feet,” but Lanier Johnson, executive director of the American Sports Medicine Institute, notes that many of the injuries are not reported. When injuries do occur, many members in the parkour community encourage pursuing the most scientifically sound method to recovery and future prevention.


There is no equipment required, although practitioners normally train wearing light, non restrictive casual clothing:

  • If anything is worn on the upper body, it is usually a light garment such as a T-shirt, sleeveless shirt, or crop top;
  • Most commonly sweatpants are used on the lower body, although some wear tracksuit bottoms or shorts.

Comfortable running shoes, ones that are generally light, with good grip and flexibility are encouraged. Various sport-shoes manufacturers, such as Nike, with its Nike Free shoes, have developed shoes specifically for parkour and freerunning; and many other companies around the world have started offering parkour-specific products.[citation needed] Some practitioners use thin athletic gloves to protect the hands; most do not, preferring the increased grip and tactile feedback. Since Parkour is closely related to méthode naturelle, practitioners sometimes train barefooted to be able to move efficiently without depending on their gear. Some traceurs also like the feiyue martial arts shoes[citation needed] for their light weight, thin sole, and flexibility. David Belle notes: “bare feet are the best shoes!”

Popular culture

There have been a few documentaries about parkour on major television networks. Jump London is a 2003 documentary which explains some of the background to parkour and culminated with Sébastien Foucan, Johann Vigroux, and Jérôme Ben Aoues demonstrating their parkour skills. Jump London changed the presence of parkour in the UK almost overnight and is widely credited for inspiring a new generation of traceurs. It was followed by Jump Britain in 2005. The Australian version of 60 Minutes broadcast a segment about parkour on 16 September 2007, featuring Foucan and Stephane Vigroux.

There have also been a number of films featuring elements of parkour. After including parkour practitioners in a chase sequence in the film Taxi 2 in 1998, French director/producer Luc Besson produced the 2001 film, Yamakasi, featuring members of the original Yamakasi group, and its sequel Les fils du vent in 2004. Also in 2004, Besson wrote Banlieue 13, another feature film involving advanced chase sequences, starring David Belle and Cyril Raffaelli, followed by the sequel District 13: Ultimatum in 2009. In 2006 the film Casino Royale featured Sébastien Foucan in a chase taking place early in the movie, sparking renewed media interest in parkour. Along with The Bourne Ultimatum, Casino Royale is credited with starting a new wave of Parkour-inspired stunts in Western film and television. Parkour practitioners also feature prominently in the film Breaking and Entering, in which two of the characters climb buildings and run over rooftops to burgle an office in Kings Cross, London. Parkour was also involved in the film Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, where David Belle was hired as choreographer for some scenes in the film and appears in the DVD and Blu-ray featurettes. Aamir Khan learned Parkour for his role in the 2013 movie Dhoom 3.

The webcomic Schlock Mercenary makes frequent reference to “Parkata Urbatsu” which is said to have grown “out of the ancient disciplines of parkour, urbobatics, and youtubing. It is a martial art that focuses on both pursuit and escape in developed environments, with an eye towards the aesthetic.”

A number of video games include aspects of parkour as major gameplay elements. In the Assassin’s Creed series of games, Altaïr, Ezio, Connor and Edward make heavy use of parkour movement, though it is named freerunning in the game. Crackdown and Crackdown 2 include an emphasis on gripping and vaulting from ledges and protruding objects, which are designed to make players feel fully in control of their own movement, and by extension fully in control of their environment. Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland allows the character to use several movement techniques while not on the skateboard. In this game as well, it is referred to as freerunning. Mirror’s Edge is a game heavily inspired by parkour- the core gameplay consists of efficiently moving around buildings, rooftops, and other obstacles, and made movement itself the goal. Tron Evolution’s basic movements and combat were based on parkour and capoeira.

Military training

Although parkour itself grew out of military obstacle-course training, it has since developed separately. After the attention that parkour received following the 2006 film Casino Royale, military forces around the world began looking for ways to incorporate elements from parkour into military training. The British Royal Marines hired parkour athletes to train their members. Colorado Parkour began a project to introduce elements from parkour into the U.S. military and some members of the United States Marine Corps have tried parkour.

Derivative terminologies and disciplines

In 1997, David Belle’s brother Jean-Francois asked the group if they wanted to perform for the public in a firefighter show in Paris. The group decided to name themselves “Yamakasi” (meaning “strong man, strong spirit”) for the performance. For the purposes of that performance, Sébastien Foucan came up with a name for what they were doing: “L’art du déplacement” (French for “the art of movement” or “the art of displacement). The firefighter performance caused both positive and negative attention. Some members in the group were later concerned how the public would view their discipline since the performance did not demonstrate all the aspects of it, such as their hard training, and their values and ethics. During this time there was also an interest conflict within the group. Sébastien Foucan wanted to teach more rather than to train more, and David Belle had the ambition to become an actor. This caused the group to break up as David and Sébastien chose to leave the group. David Belle’s friend Hubert Kunde suggested that he should replace the ‘c’ in “parcours” with a ‘k’, and drop the ‘s’. From this moment on, David’s method of training and practicing became known as “parkour”. The seven remaining Yamakasi members would keep using the term “l’art du déplacement”. Sébastien Foucan would keep using the term “parkour” for several years.

In September, 2003, the documentary Jump London, starring Sébastien Foucan, was released. In the documentary, the term “freerunning” was used as an attempt to translate “parkour”, in order to make it more appealing to the English-speaking audience. Foucan decided to keep using the term “freerunning” to describe his own separate discipline.

The remaining seven Yamakasi members kept using the term “l’art du déplacement”, also not wanting to associate it to closely with parkour. Similar to Sébastien’s freerunning, l’art du déplacement was also a more participatory approach that was not all hardcore but also focused on making the teaching more accessible. David Belle kept the term “parkour”, and stated that the group contributed to the development of it, but that his father was the source of his motivation and that he verbally communicated this method to only him.

Both parkour and freerunning encompass the ideas of overcoming obstacles and self-expression, in freerunning, the greater emphasis is on self-expression. Although the differences between the disciplines are often hard to discern, practitioners tend to aspire to parkour and describe themselves as traceurs rather than as freerunners.


Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Convertible

Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Convertible

Ford Mustang GT 5.0 Convertible

The challenge of keeping an automotive legend evergreen increases in direct proportion to its age, which makes the perpetuation of the Ford Mustang one of the most formidable assignments in American autodom. How well the stewards of this 49-year-old icon discharge their sobering duty is a function of their creativity, their understanding of both Mustang loyalists and potential Mustang wannabes, and—the essential element—budget.

However passionate the keepers of the faith may be, the compelling improvements they might like to install are inevitably tempered by the corporate funding apportioned to the task. The people who file P&L statements aren’t known for their automotive passions, and even less for sentimentality.

With that in mind, the latest updates to the mainstream Mustang, on sale now as an early 2013 model, add up to a freshening. It entails a number of styling tweaks, some cool performance-measuring electronics, a Recaro-seat option (leather or cloth, adapted from the GT500 and Boss 302), a very modest increase in the output of the Mustang’s 5.0-liter V-8, and a couple Shaker sound systems capable of rousing sound sleepers in the next county (and making them glad they woke up).
Look Closely

The styling updates are subtle but probably obvious to Mustang cognoscenti, and just extensive enough to make the cars look new to potential converts. The grille is more prominent, the front splitter has been revised, and the hood is adorned with a pair of louvered heat-extractor vents that are actually functional. HID headlamps are standard on all models, and they’re flanked by LED light bars that lend a little more distinction to the front-end treatment. Also new on the lighting front are optional side-mirror puddle lamps that project images of the Mustang’s famous pony emblem onto the pavement when the driver unlocks the car. Very important.

All rocker panels will be body color on the 2013 Stangs, and the new LED taillights—which retain the well-loved sequential-turn-signal function—blink behind smoked lenses. Speaking of colors, a couple zany new ones have been added. Called Deep Impact Blue and Gotta Have It Green, they’re consistent with the Mustang’s uninhibited palette, and are probably visible at a distance in double-zero fog. In the same vein, there are several new wheel designs, ranging from 17 to 19 inches, including an optional GT wheel that Ford characterizes as “sinister.”

Track Apps

Aside from the addition of the new Shaker audio options and available SelectShift six-speed automatic transmission (more on this later), the inner Mustang looks very familiar—when does retro become merely old?—unless it happens to be equipped with the newly available 4.2-inch LCD display with its Track Apps features. Ford calls the display a “productivity screen” that allows drivers to monitor all kinds of data—engine info such as cylinder-head temps and air-fuel ratio, a trip computer, and fuel economy broken out in as many as three time periods. But the coolest element is Track Apps, which gives the driver g-loading, braking performance (60- and 100-to-0 mph), and acceleration: 0–60, 0–100, eighth- and quarter-mile. A little drag-strip “Christmas tree” countdown light comes up for acceleration runs, and the system also warns that it’s “for track use only.” Wink wink.
At the Helm

The Mustang’s dynamic résumé for 2013 is essentially unchanged from the 2012 model. As noted, Ford has found eight more ponies in the 5.0-liter V-8, achieved by applying Boss 302 piston coatings and discontinuing the oil squirts formerly cooling the undersides of the pistons, a function the engineers now believe to be unnecessary based on experience with the 5.0. The primary benefit here is probably cost reduction; the jump from 412 to 420 hp is essentially academic. The 2013 GT responds just as eagerly when the driver tramps on the gas, emitting a seductive baritone bark as it does so. We forecast perhaps a tenth-of-a-second improvement in 0-to-60-mph acceleration for V-8 cars.

Although the 5.0 trails industry trends in terms of its port fuel-injection system—Ford has yet to see a compelling cost-benefit case for direct injection—this is a lovely engine that will satisfy all but the most power-hungry. For that matter, the 305-hp, 3.7-liter V-6 produces respectable hustle, and, with the optional Performance package, is very entertaining on a stretch of winding road, thanks to its lower weight compared to its V-8 sibling.

Automatic Convertible Blues

Our ride for a brief preview drive was a GT convertible, resplendent in Grabber Blue, and equipped with the optional Shaker Pro audio system—one-word summary: wow!—and the updated six-speed SelectShift automatic. We could offer several one-word summaries for this device, too, but since none are positive, let’s be specific instead. As the name suggests, this transmission setup is intended to offer the driver manual gear changes, but anyone who has experienced a good paddle-shifted dual-clutch automatic will be, at best, disappointed.

Rather than using paddles, on-demand shifting with this auto is achieved by operating a little rocker switch on the side of the shift lever; shifts are slow, and since the center console encroaches on the driver’s right arm, access to the shift switch can be awkward. This device does nothing to amplify the pleasures of this otherwise snazzy pony ragtop—quite the contrary. Memo to accounting: Pump some money into your Mustang automatic-transmission budget.
A couple other kvetches. Though it closed easily (via two header latches) and sealed well, the hardened forward portion of our convertible’s power top, which doubles as a tonneau when the top is down, refused to lie flat atop the well behind the rear passenger seats. And the continued absence of a telescoping steering column makes it difficult to get an optimal driving position.

On the other hand, Ford’s electric power-steering system (EPAS), which now offers three operating modes (Comfort, Standard, and Sport), is surprisingly informative in the Mustang, the convertible chassis is robust, and if transient responses could be sharper with an independent rear suspension, the chassis team has done more with a classic solid rear axle than many thought possible.
The Price of Doing Business

Mirroring the subtle changes made to the car, 2013 Mustang prices are only slightly adjusted from 2012’s totals, with some models getting a little cheaper and some seeing small price increases. The least-expensive Mustang, a manual-equipped V-6 coupe, starts at $22,995; the GT at $31,095. Convertibles with the V-6 and a manual transmission open at $27,995, and the GT starts at $36,095. An automatic adds $1195 to the bill.

Independent rear suspension, like some other useful upgrades, will have to wait for an infusion of money. Hopefully that will arrive along with the car’s 50th anniversary and the next-generation model in 2014.